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Quantitative trait loci for foliar terpenes in a g

Authors: Julianne M O’ReillyWapstra Jules S Freeman Noel W Davies René E Vaillancourt Hugh Fitzgerald Brad M Potts
Publish Date: 2010/11/16
Volume: 7, Issue: 3, Pages: 485-498
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Terpenes are a diverse group of plant secondary metabolites that mediate a plethora of ecological interactions in many plant species Despite increasing research into the genetic control of important adaptive traits in some plant species the genetic control of terpenes in forest tree species is still relatively poorly studied In this study we use quantitative genetic and quantitative trait loci QTL analysis to investigate the genetic control of foliar terpenes in an ecologically and commercially important eucalypt species Eucalyptus globulus We show a moderate to high withinfamily broadsense heritability and significant genetic basis to the variation in 14 of the 16 terpenes assayed This is the first report of QTL for terpenes in this species Eleven QTL influenced the terpenes overall One QTL on linkage group 6 affected six of the seven different sesquiterpenes assayed plus one monoterpene which in combination with highly significant correlations between these compounds argues that their variation is influenced by a QTL with pleiotropic effect early in the biosynthetic pathway We examine the homology of these QTL to those found in a closely related eucalypt Eucalyptus nitens and provide evidence that both common and unique QTL influence terpene levels



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  7. Rosaceae conserved orthologous sequences marker polymorphism in sweet cherry germplasm and construction of a SNP-based map
  8. Development and functional annotation of an 11,303-EST collection from Eucalyptus for studies of cold tolerance
  9. Genetic variation of Central European oaks: shaped by evolutionary factors and human intervention?
  10. Estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values for apple fruit-quality traits using pedigreed plant material in Europe
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