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Rosaceae conserved orthologous sequences marker po

Authors: Antonio Cabrera Umesh R Rosyara Paolo De Franceschi Audrey Sebolt Suneth S Sooriyapathirana Elisabeth Dirlewanger Jose QueroGarcia Mirko Schuster Amy F Iezzoni Esther van der Knaap
Publish Date: 2011/10/18
Volume: 8, Issue: 2, Pages: 237-247
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The Rosaceae Conserved Orthologous Set RosCOS provides a genebased genomewide set of markers that have been used in comparative analyses of peach Prunus persica apple Malus × domestica and strawberry Fragaria spp In order to extend the use of these RosCOS to sweet cherry Prunus avium L we identified markers that are polymorphic in breeding germplasm Ninetyfive percent 595/627 of previously designed RosCOS primer pairs amplified a product in six sweet cherry cultivars predicted to represent the range of genetic diversity in breeding germplasm A total of 45 282/627 RosCOS were polymorphic among the six cultivars and allele number ranged from 2 to 6 with a genomewide mean of 235 A subset of 92 genomewide single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs corresponding to 76 RosCOS was analyzed in 36 founder accessions and progeny The expected and observed heterozygosity suggested that 83 of the RosCOS were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium implying that most RosCOS behave as neutral markers Principal coordinate analysis PCO identified one wild accession and two Spanish landraces that clustered differently from the other accessions The relatively high number of unique alleles found in the three differentially clustered selections suggested that their use as parents has potential to increase the genetic diversity in future USbred cultivars Of the 92 RosCOS SNPs 81 SNPs that represented 68 genomewide RosCOS segregated in four mapping populations These RosCOS were mapped in four F1 populations thereby greatly improving the genetic linkage map of sweet cherryThis research was funded by USDANRI NIFA 200802259 and 200500743 and the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission We thank Dr Andrew P Michel Ohio State University for advice on the population genetic analyses and Dr James Olmstead University of Florida for providing leaf tissue of the WSU selections



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