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Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Construction of a high density linkage map and its

Authors: Baiquan Ma Shuang Zhao Benhong Wu Dongmei Wang Qian Peng Albert Owiti Ting Fang Liao Liao Collins Ogutu Schuyler S Korban Shaohua Li Yuepeng Han
Publish Date: 2015/12/16
Volume: 12, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-
PDF Link


Soluble sugars and organic acids have a strong impact on the overall organoleptic quality of fruits In this study we report the identification of quantitative trait loci QTLs for individual sugars and organic acids in apple A high density linkage map of apple was constructed using the 1536 ESTderived SNP GoldenGate genotyping platform The linkage map consists of 601 molecular markers including 540 single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs and 61 simple sequence repeats SSRs spanning 13684 cM with an average of 228 cM per marker The contents of soluble sugars including sucrose glucose fructose sorbitol and organic acids including malic acid and citric acid were used as the phenotypic data in QTL analysis Two QTLs for malic acid content were detected on linkage groups LGs 8 and 16 while no QTL was found for citric acid content Four QTLs for the glucose sucrose fructose and sorbitol content were found to be clustered in one region on LG 3 Moreover an additional QTL for glucose content was detected on the LG 4 Our study not only expands our understanding of the genetic basis for fruit organoleptic quality but it also provides molecular markers that will aid in markerassisted selection for fruit quality in apple breeding programsThis work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Nos 31420103914 and 31372048 the National Basic Research Program of China Grant No 2011CB100600 and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China Grant No 2011AA0020401



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