Authors: I S Shivakumara Jinho Lee M Ravisha R Gangadhara Reddy
Publish Date: 2011/12/07
Volume: 47, Issue: 6, Pages: 1359-1378
The simultaneous effect of local thermal nonequilibrium LTNE and magnetic field dependent MFD viscosity on thermal convective instability in a horizontal ferrofluid saturated Brinkman porous layer in the presence of a uniform vertical magnetic field is studied analytically The results indicate that the onset of Brinkman ferroconvection is delayed with increasing MFD viscosity parameter but the critical wave number is found to be independent of this parameter When compared to the simultaneous presence of buoyancy and magnetic forces it is observed that the onset of Brinkman ferroconvection is delayed more when the magnetic forces alone are present Asymptotic solutions for both small and large values of scaled interphase heat transfer coefficient H t are compared with those computed numerically and good agreement is found between them Besides the influence of magnetic and LTNE parameters on the stability characteristics of the system is also discussed The available results in the literature are recovered as particular cases from the present studyOne of the authors ISS wishes to thank the Brain Korea 21 BK 21 program of the School of Mechanical Engineering Yonsei University Seoul Korea for inviting him as a visiting Professor and also the Bangalore University for sanctioning sabbatical leave The authors MR and RGR wish to thank the Principals of their respective colleges for encouragement We wish to thank the reviewer for useful suggestions