Authors: L SanchezRicart J GarcíaPeláez
Publish Date: 2014/07/30
Volume: 49, Issue: 12, Pages: 2757-2783
A variational space–time formulation to treat acoustics problems in porous medium is developed At first no separation of the space and time has been applied in the approximation of the field variables This produces a matrix variational formulation for more general numerical treatments Finally separation of variables has been applied to produce a simpler space–time formulation in which the numerical treatment of the space domain and the time integration algorithms can be identified The numerical treatment has been oriented to find symmetry in the space and time domains Numerical simulation in the frequency domain and in the time domain have been performed to validate the variational formulation with separation of variablesThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by Navantia SA with contract 3432/12EC UPCTNAVANTIA The authors gratefully acknowledge the programming works performed at SIMIDEA SL on the development of the code FEporoacustica under the direction and guidance of the authors of the paper The authors gratefully acknowledge Zhang Bo and Chen Tianning for providing the permission for the picture of Fig 1The notation of this Appendix includes the fundamental notation of the paper It is oriented only like a help for the reader but the notation is already defined in the text of the paper every time that a new variable appear Note Neither the notation of the materials of the numerical examples nor the notation of Appendix 1 are included in Appendix 2