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An effective subdomain smoothed Galerkin method f

Authors: Yigang Wang Dean Hu Gang Yang Xu Han Y T Gu
Publish Date: 2014/12/17
Volume: 50, Issue: 5, Pages: 1285-1301
PDF Link


Free and forced vibration analysis is significant in structural mechanics and engineering A subdomain smoothed Galerkin method is developed for free and forced vibration analyses of 2D solids This method integrates the advantages of meshfree Galerkin method and finite element method FEM The arbitrarily shaped subdomains are predefined in the problems domain represented by meshfree nodes In each subdomain based on meshfree Galerkin weak formulation the local discrete equation can be obtained by using moving kriging interpolation which is similar to the discrete equation of a highorder element in FEM The strain smoothing technique can be subsequently applied to the nodal integration of subdomain by dividing the subdomain into several smoothing cells Moreover condensation of degrees of freedom can also be introduced into discrete equations by transfer equations of inner nodes to equations of boundary nodes based on subdomains The global dynamic equations of the present method are obtained based on the scheme of FEM by assembling all local discrete equations of subdomains and are solved by using the standard implicit Newmark’s time integration scheme Numerical examples proved that the subdomain smoothed Galerkin method is a robust technique to simulation the elastic dynamic problems which has high computational efficiency and good accuracy



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