Journal Title
Title of Journal: J of Cardiovasc Trans Res
Abbravation: Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research
Authors: Mona Sedeek Augusto C Montezano Richard L Hebert Stephen P Gray Elyse Di Marco Jay C Jha Mark E Cooper Karin JandeleitDahm Ernesto L Schiffrin Jennifer L WilkinsonBerka Rhian M Touyz
Publish Date: 2012/06/19
Volume: 5, Issue: 4, Pages: 509-518
Most diabetesrelated complications and causes of death arise from cardiovascular disease and endstage renal disease Amongst the major complications of diabetes mellitus are retinopathy neuropathy nephropathy and accelerated atherosclerosis Increased bioavailability of reactive oxygen species ROS termed oxidative stress derived in large part from the NADPH oxidase Nox family of free radical producing enzymes has been demonstrated in experimental and clinical diabetes and has been implicated in the cardiovascular and renal complications of diabetes The present review focuses on the role of Noxs and oxidative stress in some major complications of diabetes including nephropathy retinopathy and atherosclerosis We also discuss Nox isoforms as potential targets for therapyMS received a fellowship from the Kidney Research Scientist Core Education and National Training KRESCENT program JWB and KJD are Senior Research Fellows of the National Health and Medical Research Council NHMRC of Australia MEC is an Australian Fellow of the NHMRC of Australia The authors’ research is funded through a grant from the JDRF
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