Authors: Azhari Siddeeg Wenshui Xia
Publish Date: 2015/06/12
Volume: 52, Issue: 12, Pages: 8172-8179
Seinat seed oil was blended with peanut oil for the enhancement of stability and chemical characteristics of the blend The physicochemical properties relative density refractive index free fatty acids saponification value iodine value and peroxide value of seinat seed and peanut oil blends in ratios 955 8515 3070 and 5050 proportions were evaluated as well as oxidative stability index deferential scanning calorimetric DSC characteristics and tocopherols content Results of oil blend showed that there was no negative effect by the addition of seinat seed oil to peanut oil and also had decreased percentages of all saturated fatty acids except stearic acid conversely increased the levels of unsaturated fatty acids As for the sensory evaluation the panelist results showed that seinat seed oil blends had no significant differences p 005 in all attributes except the purity The results indicated that the blending of seinat seed oil with peanut oil had also increased the stability and tocopherols content As Sudan is the first producer of seinat oil blending of seinat seed oil with traditional oil like quality and may decrease the consumption of other expensive edible oils