Authors: Sameh Maktouf Khawla Ben Jeddou Claire Moulis Hejer Hajji Magali RemaudSimeon Raoudha EllouzGhorbel
Publish Date: 2016/02/26
Volume: 53, Issue: 4, Pages: 2061-2066
This study was undertaken with the objective of formulating composite bread using pearl millet Pennisetum glaucum and wheat Triticum aestivum flours Rheological and bread making properties of composite flours were evaluated Mixolab results revealed torque increased and dough stability time decreased upon incorporation of pearl millet flour in wheat flour The incorporation of millet flour at optimum level 5 led to an increase of the dough strength W and the elasticitytoextensibility ratio P/L by 31 and 65 respectively The bread texture and volume were also improved These findings indicated the potentiality of using millet flour in bread making