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Title of Journal: Plant Biotechnol Rep

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Abbravation: Plant Biotechnology Reports

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Springer Japan

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Maintenance of metabolic homeostasis and induction

Authors: Christos Kissoudis Chrysanthi Kalloniati Emmanouil Flemetakis Panagiotis Madesis Nikolaos E Labrou Athanasios Tsaftaris Irini NianiouObeidat
Publish Date: 2015/08/02
Volume: 9, Issue: 5, Pages: 287-296
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Herbicides are an invaluable tool for agricultural production scaling up However their continuous and intensive use has led to an increased incidence of herbicide resistant weeds and environmental pollution Plant glutathione transferases GSTs are tightly connected with crop and weed herbicide tolerance capacitating their efficient metabolic detoxification thus GSTs can be biotechnologically exploited towards addressing those issues However information on their effects at a “systems” level in response to herbicides is lacking Here we aimed to study the effects of the chloroacetanilide herbicide alachlor on the metabolome of wildtype and tobacco plants overexpressing the soybean tau class glutathione transferase GmGSTU4 Alachlortreated wildtype plants This system naturally serving the detoxification of endogenous exhibited an abiotic stresslike response with increased abundance of compatible solutes decrease in TCA cycle intermediates and decreased sugar and amino acid content Transgenic plants responded distinctly exhibiting an increased induction of abiotic stress responsive metabolites accumulation of secondary metabolites and its precursors and metabolic detoxification byproducts compared to wildtype plants These results suggest that the increased metabolic capacity of GmGSTU4 overexpressing plants is accompanied by pleiotropic metabolic alterations which could be the target for further manipulation in order to develop herbicide resistant crops plants with increased phytoremediation potential as well as efficient management of nontarget site GST induced herbicide resistance in weedsChristos Kissoudis is supported by “Alexander S Onassis” Public Benefit Foundation scholarship The authors NEL PM INO would acknowledge the Ministry of Education Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs for the financial assistance provided under the action THALES “Glutathione transferases multifunctional molecular tools in red and green biotechnology” This action falls under the Operational Programme ‘‘Education and Lifelong Learning’’ and is cofunded by the European Social Fund and National Resources



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