Authors: Bin Miao Songfa Zhong
Publish Date: 2016/11/24
Volume: 65, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-24
We experimentally investigate preference for randomization in social settings in which the dictator chooses probabilistically between two allocations for herself and an anonymous recipient We observe substantial proportions of subjects choosing to randomize under various circumstances The observed patterns have rich implications for various assumptions in social preference models and shed light on recent studies on exante and expost social preferencesWe are grateful to an anonymous referee the editor and the conference participants at the XVI Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference at Erasmus University 2014 and the 5th Annual Xiamen University International Workshop on Experimental Economics 2014 and seminar participants at Erasmus University for their helpful comments Miao wishes to thank the China National Science Foundation Grant 71503158 for financial support and Zhong wishes to acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Education—Singapore R122000237112