Authors: J Y Choi K N Kim S E Kim D H Yoon
Publish Date: 2004/02/16
Volume: 146, Issue: 4, Pages: 415-417
A 60yearold man was referred to us because of gradualonset radiculopathy in his left leg for 2 months Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI of the lumbar spine demonstrated a relatively homogeneous huge mass in the left paravertebral area from L1 to L3 Fig 1A B Axial MRI scan Fig 1C confirmed the extension of the tumour into the adjacent spinal canal through the neural foramina forming an extradural mass which resulted in the compression of both the dural sac and the nerve roots The patient was operated on by a stagedresection First a left retroperitoneal approach was performed for the paraspinal mass The tumour appeared brown to tan in color and was moderately firm Nine days after his first operation the patient underwent a resection of the intraspinal/extradural tumour by a posterior approach After the left L12 hemilaminectomy was performed the extradural tumour was easily identified dissected and completely removed Microscopically it was a highly cellular tumour composed of anaplastic cells assuming a gigantic size with bizarre nuclei which were admixed with inflammatory cells Fig 1D The tumour cells were immunohistochemically characterized by positive staining for vimentin confirming its mesenchymal origin and CD68 consistent with histiocytelike qualities Fig 1E F A diagnosis of inflammatory malignant fibrous histiocytoma MFH could be made Postoperatively the patient made an uneventful recovery and received radiotherapy as an adjuvant therapy