Authors: Carmen Revenga
Publish Date: 2005/05/26
Volume: 5, Issue: 4, Pages: 205-214
Improvements in remote sensing technologies and the use of geographic information system GIS are increasingly allowing us to develop indicators that can be used to monitor and assess ecosystem condition and change at multiple scales This paper presents global and regionallevel indicators developed by the World Resources Institute and collaborating partners using remote sensing and GIS Presented as regional and global maps these spatial indicators are ideal communication tools to raise awareness of the condition of the Earth’s ecosystems among different audiences Global and regional spatial indicators not only inform us about the current condition of and pressures on ecosystems but also about the likely capacity of the ecosystem to continue to provide goods and services to future generations The increasing focus on integrating socioeconomic and biological information with remote sensing and GIS technology can only help to further our understanding and capacity to manage ecosystems in a more sustainable manner