Authors: Gebhard von Oppen
Publish Date: 2005/03/14
Volume: 248, Issue: 1, Pages: 41-52
Zero fieldlevel crossing signals of the 5s 5p1P1level of the Sr Ispectrum were investigated in superimposed homogeneous magnetic and electric fields The electric fielddependent Δμ=1crossings were detected by resonance scattering of linearly polarized light of the 4607 Åline the directions of polarization forming an oblique angle with the field axisz The experiments yielded the tensor polarizability of the 5s 5p1P1level ¦αten¦=157 kHz/kV/cm2 This value is related to oscillator strengths of electric dipole transitions from the 5s 5p1P1level to1S0 and1D2levelsThe level crossing signals obtained by resonance scattering oflinearly polarized light are discussed using a formula originally derived by Rose and Carovillano for level crossing experiments withunpolarized light beams The applicability of the formula to our experiments results from an equivalence of level crossing measurements with unpolarized and those with linearly polarized light beams