Authors: Josep Toro Gilda GomezPeresmitré Joan Sentis Antoni Vallés Vanesa Casulà Josefina Castro Gisela Pineda Rodrigo Leon Silvia Platas Rosalia Rodriguez
Publish Date: 2006/05/09
Volume: 41, Issue: 7, Pages: 556-565
A total of 467 Spanish and 329 Mexican girls aged from 11–12 to 17–18 years were assessed using the Eating Attitude Test26 EAT26 the CETCA Eating Disorders Assessment Questionnaire the CIMEC Questionnaire on Influences on Body Shape Model and a survey of sociodemographic and risk factors produced for this studyOne out of four subjects showed a significant risk of an eating disorder and 6–7 probably already had one No significant differences were found between the two samples Significant differences were found in risk behaviors more Spanish girls reported body dissatisfaction and binging more Mexican girls had a history of psychiatric and psychological treatment pressure from parents and friends to lose weight dieting physical activity and vomiting to lose weight and a history of greater weight loss In both the groups around 50 of subjects wanted to increase the size of their breasts However significantly more Mexican girls desired thinner arms and narrower shoulders and back and more Spanish girls wanted thinner hips buttocks and legs parts of the body that many Mexicans wanted to increaseRisk behaviors and the ideal body models of these Spanish and Mexican adolescent girls varied significantly indicating major sociocultural differences However the prevalence of ED was similar Further research should aim to clarify whether the similarities found between this Spanish sample and a Mexican sample taken from an uppermiddle class urban environment a minority that is unrepresentative of the general population are also observed in samples from other sectors of Mexican society