Authors: Ann W Nguyen Robert Joseph Taylor Linda M Chatters Harry Owen Taylor Karen D Lincoln Uchechi A Mitchell
Publish Date: 2016/11/12
Volume: 52, Issue: 3, Pages: 299-309
Logistic regression analysis was based on a nationally representative sample of African Americans from the National Survey of American Life N = 3263 Subjective closeness and frequency of contact with extended family and friends and negative family interaction were examined in relation to lifetime suicide ideation and attemptsSubjective closeness to family and frequency of contact with friends were negatively associated with suicide ideation and attempts Subjective closeness to friends and negative family interaction were positively associated with suicide ideation and attempts Significant interactions between social support and negative interaction showed that social support buffers against the harmful effects of negative interaction on suicidalityThe preparation of this manuscript was supported by Grants from the National Institute on Aging to Ann W Nguyen P30AG043073 and Robert Joseph Taylor P30AG1528 and from the National Institute for General Medicine to Linda M Chatters NIGMS R25GM05864115