Authors: Melanie Luppa Steffi G RiedelHeller Tobias Luck Birgitt Wiese Hendrik van den Bussche Franziska Haller Melanie Sauder Edelgard Mösch Michael Pentzek Anja Wollny Marion Eisele Thomas Zimmermann HansHelmut König Wolfgang Maier Horst Bickel Jochen Werle Siegfried Weyerer For the AgeCoDe study group
Publish Date: 2010/12/23
Volume: 47, Issue: 2, Pages: 263-270
For a German GPsample of 3208 subjects aged 75 years and older sociodemographic clinical and psychometric parameters were requested every 15 years over three waves Logistic regression models determined predictors of NHP for total sample and for two different age groups A CART analysis identified factors discriminating best between institutionalized and noninstitutionalized individualsOf the overall sample 47 of the sample n = 150 was institutionalized during the study period Baseline characteristics associated with a higher risk of NHP for the total sample were age living without spouse cognitive and functional impairment and depression In the CART analysis age was the major discriminator at the first level at age 81 In subgroup regression analyses for the younger elderly age 75–81 being single as well as cognitive and functional impairment increased the risk of NHP in the advanced elderly age 82+ being widowed and subjective memory impairment were significant predictors for NHP and cognitive and functional impairment became nonsignificant as predictors of NHPFurther members of the AgeCoDe group HeinzHarald Abholz Matthias C Angermeyer Cadja Bachmann Wolfgang Blank Mirjam Colditz Moritz Daerr Sandra EifflaenderGorfer Angela Fuchs Frank Jessen Sven Heinrich Hanna Kaduszkiewicz Teresa Kaufeler Manfred Mayer Julia Olbrich HeinzPeter Romberg Anja Rudolph Martina Schäufele Sandra Schmitz Britta Schürmann Janine Stein Michael WagnerThis publication is part of the German Research Network on Dementia KND and the German Research Network on Degenerative Dementia KNDD and was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Grant Number 01GI0102 01GI0420 01GI0422 01GI0423 01GI0429 01GI0431 01GI0433 01GI0434 O1GI0710 01GI0711 01GI0712 01GI0713 01GI0714 01GI0715 01GI0716