Authors: Rachel Mann Simon Gilbody David Richards
Publish Date: 2008/11/13
Volume: 44, Issue: 7, Pages: 569-578
EQ5D and SF6D data collected from 114 patients with depression who participated in a cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate a collaborative care intervention in UK primary care practices Utilities were examined across the whole sample and by level of depression severity using the PHQ9Depression was associated with disutility at baseline At 3 month followup mean utility increased 0147 for EQ5D and 0082 for SF6D Health gains were observed in patients in remission from depression and those with the mildest level of depression severityR Mann contributed to the analysis and interpretation of the data the drafting of the manuscript and the final revisions S Gilbody contributed to the drafting of the manuscript and the final revisions D Richards contributed to the final approval of the version for publicationWe acknowledge the contribution of coinvestigators and participants in the UK MRC collaborative care trial grant number G03000677 ISRCT 63222059 We are grateful for the comments from two anonymous referees to an earlier version of the paper Conflict of interest None