Authors: Taraneh Shojaei Ashley Wazana Isabelle Pitrou Viviane Kovess
Publish Date: 2008/12/19
Volume: 44, Issue: 9, Pages: 740-747
The French version of the parentreported SDQ was administered to the parents of a representative sample of 1348 French children aged 6–11 years old The response rate was 576 We performed three scoring methods and examined their association with sociodemographic data French SDQ scores were compared with SDQ scores from US and UK national surveysThe French cutoff points for the scoring bands were similar to those of the UK and US with a few exceptions peer relationship problems prosocial behaviour The internal consistency of the SDQ subscales was acceptable with Cronbach α coefficients ranging from 046 for peer relationship problems to 074 for hyperactivity/inattention Known sociodemographic risk factors were associated with SDQ scoring method For most SDQ scores differences between France and the UK were smaller 5 than those between France and the USWe are indebted to Christine ChanChee Robert Goodman JeanPierre Valla the French Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Ministry of Education PACA Regional Directorate for Health and Social Affairs AixMarseille and Nice Educational Authority children parents teachers and principals of participating schools The study was funded by MGEN Foundation for Public Health MAE MAIF Foundation FNMF and PACA Regional Directorate for Health and Social Affairs DRASS ProvenceAlpes Côted’Azur region