Authors: Marina Economou Elias Angelopoulos Lily Evangelia Peppou Kyriakos Souliotis Chara Tzavara Konstantinos Kontoangelos Michael Madianos Costas Stefanis
Publish Date: 2016/05/13
Volume: 51, Issue: 7, Pages: 1015-1024
A series of repeated crosssectional surveys conducted in 2008 2009 2011 and 2013 were conducted with the aim of estimating the prevalence of major depression and suicidality as well as of investigating its risk factors The present report concentrates on the 2013 surveyA random and representative sample of 2188 people was telephone interviewed with regard to various socioeconomic indicators and the presence of major depression and suicidality which were assessed with the germane module of the Structured Clinical InterviewFindings suggest a rise in 1month prevalence of major depression 123 and a decline in prevalence of suicidality 28 Female gender residence in rural area low educational attainment unemployment and economic hardship were found to increase the odds of suffering from major depression The influence of economic hardship and unemployment on suicidality was also substantial and independent of major depression