Authors: Andreas Lubienski Rudi G Bitsch Katrin Lubienski Guenter Kauffmann Markus Duex
Publish Date: 2006/07/14
Volume: 29, Issue: 6, Pages: 1068-1072
The perfusion of bovine livers directly from the slaughterhouse was simulated in a liver perfusion tank developed for the experimental work The liver perfusion medium used was a Tyrode solution prepared in accordance with physiologic criteria as for liver transplants which was oxygenated by an oxygenator and heated to 365°C Portal vein circulation was regulated via a flow and pressurecontrolled pump and arterial circulation using a dialysis machine Flow rate and pressure were adjusted as for the physiology of a human liver converted to bovine liver conditions The fluid discharged from the liver was returned into the perfusion system through the vena cava Extendable precision swivel arms with the radiofrequency probe attached were mounted on the liver perfusion tank RFA was conducted with the RF3000 generator and a 2 cm LeVeen needle Boston Scientific Ratingen Germany in a threedimensional grid for precise localization of the generated thermolesionsFour bovine livers weighing 84 ± 04 kg each were prepared connected to the perfusion system and consecutively perfused for the experiments Mean arterial flow was 569 ± 43 ml/min arterial pressure 120 mmHg portovenous flow 1440 ± 305 ml/min and portal pressure 10 mmHg Macroscopic evaluation after the experiments revealed no thrombi within the hepatic vessels A total of 136 RF thermolesions were generated with an average number of 34 per liver Mean RF duration was 259 ± 201 minsec with an average baseline impedance of 282 ± 34 ohms The mean diameter of the thermolesions along the puncture channel was 2298 ± 434 mm and perpendicular to the channel was 2327 ± 482 mm