Authors: Jose L Merino L Gutiérrez J L Caniego V Paraíso
Publish Date: 2015/05/15
Volume: 38, Issue: 5, Pages: 1339-1342
Ischemic nephropathy IN also known as atherosclerotic renovascular disease is an uncommon cause of chronic kidney disease CKD 1 The diagnosis is usually complex as other associated pathologies may mask its existence Risk factors for IN are male smoker presence of other conventional cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes mellitus DM obesity and dyslipidemia 2 Treatment of IN is controversial but the initial treatment is usually medical However the need for endovascular and even surgical treatments is not uncommon but these interventionist alternatives are not free of complications so the final indication requires an interdisciplinary approach 3 4 5We present a 49yearold male with a history of resistant hypertension HT diagnosed ten years ago on four drug antihypertensive therapy noninsulin requirement diabetes dyslipidemia mild obesity gout smoker of 60 cigarettes/day for 20 years and an intermittent claudication after walking