Authors: Hongling Zhang Lina Sun Tieheng Sun Guofeng Ma
Publish Date: 2007/10/17
Volume: 79, Issue: 5, Pages: 562-565
Exploitation of mineral resources provides energy for economic growth as well as caused series ecoenvironment problems which are displayed in the following aspects Mining has occupied and damaged lands triggered secondary geological calamities polluted the ecoenvironment changed the original landscapes and damaged native vegetations thus leading to land degradation and desertification Shen et al 2004 Campbell 1998 Nowadays mine spoil reclamation is becoming more and more significant and the major method is by covering it with soil Hu et al 2002 Wang and Cai 2006 This method wastes both manpower and material resources because the mines often locate in areas lacking soil resourcesIn China 18 × 108 t fly ash FA from the fossil fuel generation of electricity was produced each year Ben and An 2004 Markets for the large tonnages of FA and other coal combustion byproducts are limited and seasonal with less than 30 of the FA utilized primarily in the