Authors: Theodore Yaotsu Wu
Publish Date: 2007/04/05
Volume: 58, Issue: 1-4, Pages: 279-287
This paper extends the previous studies by Wu Wu TY 2001 Adv Appl Mech 38291–353 Wu TY 2005 Advances in engineering mechanics—reflections and outlooks World Scientific Wu TY 2006 Struct Control Health Monit 13553–560 to present a fully nonlinear theory for the evaluation of the unsteady flow generated by a twodimensional flexible lifting surface moving in an arbitrary manner through an incompressible and inviscid fluid for modeling bird/insect flight and fish swimming The original physical concept founded by Theodore von Kármán and William R Sears von Kármán T Sears WR 1938 J Aero Sci 5379–390 in describing the complete vortex system of a wing and its wake in nonuniform motion for their linear theory is adapted and extended to a fully nonlinear consideration The new theory employs a joint Eulerian and Lagrangian description of the wing motion to establish a fully nonlinear theory for a flexible wing moving with arbitrary variations in wing shape and trajectory and obtain a fully nonlinear integral equation for the wake vorticity in generalizing Herbert Wagner’s Wagner H 1925 ZAMM 517–35 linear version for an efficient determination of exact solutions in general