Authors: Simon J Cox Siân A Jones
Publish Date: 2013/08/28
Volume: 86, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-7
A soap film or a flexible areaminimizing membrane without bending and torsional stiffness that is confined in a cylinder is shown to be susceptible to a surfacetensiondriven instability when it is stretched or twisted This leads to its breakdown and places an upper limit on the aspect ratio of such structures A simple analysis confirms the values for the critical aspect ratio of the stretched film found in both simulations and experiments on soap films and this threshold decreases with increasing twist of the filmWe are grateful to the late Manuel Fortes for suggesting this problem We thank D Binding F Graner A Korobkin G Mishuris A Mughal D Weaire and S Wilson for discussions and suggestions EPSRC EP/D071127/1 and the EPSRCPG strategic partnership EP/F000049/1 for funding and the anonymous referees for useful comments