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Abbravation: Journal of Engineering Mathematics

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Springer Netherlands

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Series expansion and asymptotic formulas for heat

Authors: J L GonzálezSantander
Publish Date: 2016/07/23
Volume: 103, Issue: 1, Pages: 111-126
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In heat transfer in orthogonal machining or creepfeed grinding we must consider the temperature distribution at the shear plane for an inclined band heat source From the classical solution given by Hahn in integral form a series representation of this solution has been calculated whose numerical evaluation is faster than the numerical integration of the integral form From this series representation simple asymptotic formulas for maximum and average temperatures have been derived the latter being useful in heat transfer modeling of creepfeed grinding and orthogonal cutting These asymptotic formulas are quite accurate for typical machining regimes Further a closedform formula for the average temperature in the case of zero shear angle has been obtained



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Other Papers In This Journal:

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  6. The uniform asymptotic form of the internal gravity-wave field generated by a source moving above a smoothly varying bottom
  7. The uniform asymptotic form of the internal gravity-wave field generated by a source moving above a smoothly varying bottom
  8. Entropy formulations for a class of scalar conservations laws with space-discontinuous flux functions in a bounded domain
  9. Asymptotic reflection of linear water waves by submerged horizontal porous plates
  10. Bridging game theory and the knapsack problem: a theoretical formulation
  11. Fiber orientation effects on heat source distribution in reinforced polyamide 6.6 subjected to low cycle fatigue
  12. A nonlinear theory for a flexible unsteady wing
  13. Similarity solution of fuel mass transfer, port mass flux coupling in hybrid propulsion
  14. A spectral method for Faraday waves in rectangular tanks
  15. Geometric modelling of kink banding in multidirectional composites
  16. Instability of stretched and twisted soap films in a cylinder
  17. Flexural gravity wave scattering by a nearly vertical porous wall
  18. Analytical study of slightly eccentric core–annular flow
  19. Coating flows of non-Newtonian fluids: weakly and strongly elastic limits
  20. The analytic form of Green’s function in elliptic coordinates
  21. Analytic extensions of the Debye–Hückel approximation to the Poisson–Boltzmann equation
  22. Gas-cushioned droplet impacts with a thin layer of porous media
  23. The acceleration potential in fluid–body interaction problems

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