Authors: Vitaly V Bulatov Yury V Vladimirov
Publish Date: 2010/07/20
Volume: 69, Issue: 2-3, Pages: 243-259
The uniform asymptotic form of the internal gravitywave field generated by a source moving above a smoothly varying bottom is constructed The problem of reconstructing nonharmonic internal gravitywave packets generated by a source moving in a stratified ocean is considered The solution is proposed in terms of wave modes propagating independently at the adiabatic approximation and described as a nonintegraldegree series of a small parameter characterizing the stratified medium A specific form of the wave packets which can be parameterized in terms of model functions Airy functions depends on the local behavior of the dispersion curves of the individual wave mode A modified space–time ray method was proposed which belongs to the class of geometricaloptics methods The key point of the proposed technique is the possibility to derive the asymptotic representation of the solution in terms of a nonintegraldegree series of the some small parameter