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Springer Netherlands

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Fiber orientation effects on heat source distribut

Authors: Adil Benaarbia André Chrysochoos Gilles Robert
Publish Date: 2014/12/11
Volume: 90, Issue: 1, Pages: 13-36
PDF Link


The present study was aimed at gaining further insight into the behavior of short fiberreinforced semicrystallinepolymeric SFRSP composites conditioned at atmospheric pressure with air containing 50  relative humidity and subjected to repetitive loadings The experimental approach was based on synchronized fullfield temperature and strain data to investigate and characterize the thermomechanical response of these heterogeneous materials throughout tensile–tensile oligocyclic loading tests The overarching aim was to determine the thermomechanical constitutive properties of SFRSP composites over a range of fiber orientation angles for example 0circ 45circ and 90circ The thermomechanical behavior of a dry polyamide 66 matrix was also analyzed in a previous study using the same experimental approach This approach involved digital image correlation DIC and infrared thermography IRT The first was used to track random surface pattern movements to monitor displacement or deformation while the second recorded inplane temperature changes from which the amount of heat sources involved during the material deformation was derived Noticeable inplane heterogeneities and the effects of fiber orientation on heatsource patterns for example intrinsic dissipation and thermoelasticity ranges were highlighted and examined using these imaging techniques The energy content of hysteresis loops was identified and no elastic or plastic shakedown was noted so there was no real cyclic adaptation The heat conversion factor ie Taylor–Quinney coefficient was also calculated to quantify the relative contribution of stored and dissipated energies in the energy balances of the SFRSP compositesThe authors gratefully acknowledge Solvay Engineering Plastics for supporting this work and for providing material data and specimens This work benefited from the financial support of the French Ministry for Research ANRT and was performed in the framework of the European DURAFIP project



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