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Abbravation: Accreditation and Quality Assurance

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From GUM to alternative methods for measurement un

Authors: Marc Priel
Publish Date: 2009/04/11
Volume: 14, Issue: 5, Pages: 235-241
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Since the advent of the Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement GUM in 1995 laying the principles of uncertainty evaluation numerous projects have been carried out to develop alternative practical methods that are easier to implement namely when it is impossible to model the measurement process for technical or economical aspects In this paper the author presents the recent evolution of measurement uncertainty evaluation methods The evaluation of measurement uncertainty can be presented according to two axes based on intralaboratory and interlaboratory approaches The intralaboratory approach includes “the modelling approach” application of the procedure described in section 8 of the GUM known as GUM uncertainty framework and “the single laboratory validation approach” The interlaboratory approaches are based on collaborative studies and they are respectively named “interlaboratory validation approach” and “proficiency testing approach”



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Other Papers In This Journal:

  1. Establishing the cut-off value of a screening method
  2. About acceptance and rejection zones as defined in the EURACHEM/CITAC Guide (2007) “Use of uncertainty information in compliance assessment”
  3. Quality by Design applications in biosimilar pharmaceutical products
  4. The application of data from proficiency testing to laboratory accreditation according to ISO 17025
  5. Homogeneity studies and ISO Guide 35:2006
  6. Interpretation of the measurement results near the detection limit in gamma-ray spectrometry using Bayesian statistics
  7. Must participation in an interlaboratory comparison be (very) frequent?
  8. Preparation of an infant formula proficiency testing material and assessment of its homogeneity and stability
  9. Local comparability of proficiency testing results: determination of concrete slump and compressive strength values
  10. EURACHEM/CITAC workshop on recent developments in measurement uncertainty
  11. Making progress in a practical discipline
  12. Proficiency testing in analytical chemistry, microbiology and laboratory medicine: discussions on current practice and future directions
  13. Adequacy in the metrology of chemical analysis and other complicated measurements
  14. Quantitative NMR spectroscopy for accurate purity determination of amino acids, and uncertainty evaluation for different signals
  15. Discussion on classification and performance evaluation of diversified testing procedures
  16. Laboratory accreditation: Proof of performance for environmental laboratories—2001 study
  17. Lectures for chemists on statistics II. The normal distribution: a briefer on the univariate case
  18. Evaluation of proficiency tests in microbiological analysis: enumeration of aerobic microorganisms
  19. Impact of Eurachem 25 years of activity
  20. Response on “Regulations in the field of residue and doping analysis should ensure a well-defined risk of a false positive declaration” by N. M. Faber
  21. Considerations for the development and application of control materials to improve metagenomic microbial community profiling
  22. Use of an excess variance approach for the certification of reference materials by interlaboratory comparison
  23. Traceability of measurement results in chemistry: a case study of certification of three new pharmaceutical reference materials
  24. Long-term (2001–2012) study of a proficiency testing scheme for textiles
  25. The accreditation of reference material producers — EUROLAB's position
  26. From a single analyzer to multiple instruments—The GUM approach
  27. About some basic concepts for metrology in analytical chemistry

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