Journal Title
Title of Journal: Erkenn
Springer Netherlands
Authors: Frank Hofmann
Publish Date: 2009/04/30
Volume: 71, Issue: 1, Pages: 19-34
The paper attempts to give an account of the introspective selfknowledge of our own experiences which is in line with representationalism about phenomenal consciousness and the transparency of experience A twostep model is presented First a demonstrative thought of the form ‚I am experiencing this’ is formed which refers to what one experiences by means of attention Plausibly this thought is knowledge since safe Second a nondemonstrative thought of the form ‚I am experiencing a pain’ occurs This second selfascription is justified inferentially on the basis of the first demonstrative thought Thus an account of introspective experiential selfknowledge can be developed which is richer and more adequate to the phenomena than pure reliabilism and Dretske’s displaced perception model There is really such a thing as introspection but no inner sense
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