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StrictChoice Validities A Note on a Familiar Plu

Authors: Jc Beall
Publish Date: 2013/05/23
Volume: 79, Issue: 2, Pages: 301-307
PDF Link


My aim here is a modest one to note another example in which the theory of validity and the theory of ‘inference’ naturally come apart The setting is multipleconclusion logic At least on one philosophy of multipleconclusion logic there are very clear examples of where logic qua validity and logic qua normative guide to inference are essentially different things On the given conception logic tells us only what follows from what what our ‘choices’ are given a set of premises it is simply silent on which of the given ‘choices’ we select from the conclusion set of optionsThis paper is related to my talk at the very enjoyable and productive conference on logical pluralism in Tartu Estonia I am particularly grateful to Daniel Cohnitz Peter Pagin and Marcus Rossberg for making the conference so productive and enjoyable I am grateful to two referees for prompting some useful clarifications on various points



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