Authors: GuorCheng Fang ILin Yang ChiaKuan Liu
Publish Date: 2010/08/21
Volume: 63, Issue: 2, Pages: 263-271
Ambient air and coarse fine and particulatebound mercury Hgp pollutants were collected and analyzed from March 17 to May 22 and September 3 2009 to March 5 2010 at a highway traffic site located in ShaLu central Taiwan This study has the following objectives 1 to measure the coarse and fine particulates concentrations and the particulatebound mercury Hgp which was attached to these particulate 2 to determine the average Hgp compositions in coarse and fine particulates and 3 to compare the Hgp concentrations and compositions particulate in this study to the those obtained in other studies The results obtained in this study indicated that the average ambient air PM25 PM25–10 and PM10 were 1879 ± 671 1122 ± 493 and 3001 ± 1027 μg/m3 respectively The ranges of concentrations for Hgp in PM25 were from 00016 to 00557 ng/m3 from 00006 to 00364 ng/m3 in PM25–10 and from 00022 to 00862 ng/m3 in PM10 In addition the highest particlebound mercury compositions in PM25 were 1685 ng/g and the lowest particlebound mercury concentrations were 055 ng/g The highest particlebound mercury compositions in PM25–10 were 1388 ng/g and the lowest particlebound mercury in PM25–10 were 022 ng/g