Authors: Sahar A Amin
Publish Date: 2016/04/25
Volume: 75, Issue: 9, Pages: 769-
The concentration of naturally occurring radioactive material NORM in oil drilling mud samples collected from 14 geological formations begins with Dibdibba Formation depth 140–150 m and ends with Ahmadi Formation depth 27645 m of the oil well in Az Zubair oil field ZB296 in Basra governorate were determined using NaI gamma spectrometer Gamma spectrometric analyses of natural radionuclides 238U 232Th and 40K have indicated average concentrations in Bq kg−1 as 6145 2330 and 62014 Bq m−3 respectively Radon levels and radium contents for different formations were measured using solid state nuclear track detector CR39 The obtained values of radon concentration were ranged from 2093 to 18766 Bq m−3 and the values of radium content ranged from 076 to 679 Bq kg−1 for Tayarat and Sa’adi formations respectively