Authors: Jianhua Cao Guanghui Jiang
Publish Date: 2015/06/06
Volume: 74, Issue: 2, Pages: 909-911
Four International Geological Correlation Projects IGCP related to karst and funded by grants from United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO have been performed Results of these projects have helped develop a new understanding of karst that is known as the karst dynamic system KDS The definition of KDS is the transfer of energy and matter within the carbon water and calcium and magnesium cycle KDS occurring at the interface of the lithosphere hydrosphere atmosphere and biosphere controls the formation and evolution of karst and is moderated by already formed karst features Not only does KDS make Earth System Science apply well in karst but it also closely connects it to global changeThe area of the world over which karst is distributed accounts for 10–15 percent of the earth’s surface and provides 20–25 of the fresh water resources upon which the world’s population depends For these reasons karst is an important part of the Earth