Authors: Jonathan Vaughan Deborah A Barany Anthony W Sali Steven A Jax David A Rosenbaum
Publish Date: 2010/10/08
Volume: 207, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 133-138
According to Fitts’ Law the time MT to move to a target is a linear function of the logarithm of the ratio between the target’s distance and width Although Fitts’ Law accurately predicts MTs for direct movements it does not accurately predict MTs for indirect movements as when an obstacle intrudes on the direct movement path To address this limitation Jax et al 2007 added an obstacleintrusion term to Fitts’ Law They accurately predicted MTs around obstacles in twodimensional 2D workspaces but their model had one more parameter than Fitts’ Law did and was merely descriptive In this study we addressed these concerns by turning to the mechanistic posturebased PB movement planning model The PBbased model accounted for almost as much MT variance in a 3D movement task as the model of Jax et al with only two parameters the same number of parameters as in Fitts’ Law