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Abbravation: Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves

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Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Close to Microstr

Authors: Markus Walther Andreas Bitzer
Publish Date: 2011/03/05
Volume: 32, Issue: 8-9, Pages: 1020-1030
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We demonstrate microscopic mapping of electromagnetic waves close to metal microstructures with subps temporal and subwavelength spatial resolution by pulsed THz nearfield imaging The inherent phasesensitivity of this technique allows mapping wavefronts of propagating modes and the measured amplitude distributions provide information on field concentration and localization close to the structures Using this approach we investigate wave propagation through a subwavelength aperture as well as the formation of traveling and standing surface waves along a metal microwire



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Other Papers In This Journal:

  1. Development of DNP-Enhanced High-Resolution Solid-State NMR System for the Characterization of the Surface Structure of Polymer Materials
  2. Fabrication and Analysis of Three-Layer All-Silicon Interference Optical Filter with Sub-Wavelength Structure toward High Performance Terahertz Optics
  3. Optimized Optical Rectification and Electro-optic Sampling in ZnTe Crystals with Chirped Femtosecond Laser Pulses
  4. Structural and Microwave Properties of Silica Xerogel Glass-Ceramic Sintered by Sub-millimeter Wave Heating using a Gyrotron
  5. Dielectric Properties of Diesel and Gasoline by Terahertz Spectroscopy
  6. Gyrotron Development for High Power THz Technologies at IAP RAS
  7. Modelling and Analysis of Ω-shaped Double Negative Material-assisted Microwave Sensor
  8. Optically- and Electrically-Stimulated Terahertz Radiation Emission from Indium Nitride
  9. Passive 350 GHz Video Imaging Systems for Security Applications
  10. A Self-Mixing NMOS Channel-Detector Optimized for mm-Wave and THZ Signals
  11. Terahertz Pulse Emission from Nanostructured (311) Surfaces of GaAs
  12. Calculation of Microwave Attenuation Effect Due to Charged Sand Particles
  13. Improved Large Signal Analysis of the Dual-Wavelength Linearization Technique of Optically Phase-Modulated Analog Microwave Signals
  14. Pulse Shape Measurement Using Golay Detector
  15. Millimeter Wave Multi-mode Transmission Line Components
  16. Heat Induced Damage Detection by Terahertz (THz) Radiation
  17. Spectroscopic Study on Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics and Terahertz Amplified Stimulated Emission in Optically Pumped Graphene

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