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Title of Journal: J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves
Abbravation: Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves
Springer US
We propose an allsilicon multilayer interference filter composed solely of silicon with subwavelength structure SWS in order to realize high performance optical filters operating in the THz frequency region with robustness against cryogenic thermal cycling and mechanical damage We demonstrate fabrication of a threelayer prototype using wellestablished common microelectromechanical systems MEMS technologies as a first step toward developing practical filters The measured transmittance of the threelayer filter agrees well with the theoretical transmittances calculated by a simple thinfilm calculation with effective refractive indices as well as a rigorous coupledwave analysis simulation We experimentally show that SWS layers can work as homogeneous thinfilm interference layers with effective refractive indices even if there are multiple SWS layers in a filterThe authors are deeply grateful to Mr Jun Utsumi and Mr Masahiro Kato at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd for supporting the roomtemperature wafer bonding process This study was supported by the FY2009 and FY2012 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency President Fund and FY2010 ISAS/JAXA Basic RD on onboard equipment