Journal Title
Title of Journal: Biogerontology
Abbravation: Biogerontology
Springer Netherlands
Authors: Vanessa M Hubbard Rut Valdor Fernando Macian Ana Maria Cuervo
Publish Date: 2011/04/03
Volume: 13, Issue: 1, Pages: 21-35
Altered cellular homeostasis accumulation of damaged nonfunctional organelles and presence of protein inclusions are characteristics shared by almost all types of differentiated cells in aged organisms Cells rely on quality control mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of these events and the subsequent cellular compromise associated with them What goes wrong in aging cells Growing evidence supports gradual malfunctioning with age of the cellular quality control systems In this review we focus on autophagy a catabolic process that contributes to the maintenance of cellular homeostasis through the degradation of unwanted and damaged components in lysosomes We describe recent advances on the molecular characterization of this process its different variants and the multiplicity of functions attributed to them Autophagic dysfunction has been identified in severe human disorders many of which worsen with age We comment on the contribution of an adequate autophagic function to longevity and the negative impact on healthspan of the agedependent decline in autophagic functionWe thank the members of our groups for their constructive comments for this manuscript Work in our laboratories is supported by NIH grants from NIA NIAID NIDKK NINDS a Glenn Foundation Award and a Hirsch/WeillCaulier Career Scientist Award VMH is supported by F31AG035533
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