Authors: Min Liu Kunzheng Cai Yuting Chen Shiming Luo Zhixing Zhang Wenxiong Lin
Publish Date: 2014/05/14
Volume: 139, Issue: 3, Pages: 579-592
Silicon can significantly enhance plant resistance against various pathogens However the mechanism of this resistance has not been fully revealed In the present study the role of Si in inducing resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in rice Oryza sativa L was elucidated by a proteomics approach Results showed that Si supply significantly inhibited blast incidence The contents of soluble and total protein in rice leaves were significantly increased Through proteomic analysis by twodimensional gel electrophoresis 2DE and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry LCMS/MS 61 protein spots were found significantly influenced by M oryzae inoculation and/or Si application Among these proteins 43 were altered 30 increased and 13 decreased when Si was added to M oryzaeinoculated rice plants These altered proteins were involved in the functional groups active in energy/metabolism photosynthesis redox homeostasis protein synthesis transcription and pathogen response The present study provided novel insights into Simediated resistance of rice against M oryzae at the proteome levelThis study was financially supported by grants from the National Key Basic Research Funds of China 2011CB100400 the National Natural Science Foundation of China 31070396 31370456 Doctoral Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China 20094404110007 and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province S2012010010331