Authors: Ke Wang Yu Li Hui Xie WenJia Wu ChunLing Xu
Publish Date: 2015/10/15
Volume: 144, Issue: 3, Pages: 497-507
A new plant nematode species Hemicaloosia guangzhouensis n sp collected from the soil associated with Schima superba in a forest park in Guangzhou China is described The new species is characterized by having a female with a slender body 798–961 μm in length stylet 59–69 μm long tail 115–145 μm long a membranous sheath closely adpressed to the entire body lateral fields marked by one longitudinal line with breaks and anastomoses of transverse striae total number of annuli 282–313 two lip annuli both projecting slightly anterior excretory pore 51–58 annuli from anterior end the number of annulus between vulva and anus 7–11 the number of annulus from vulva to tail terminus 58–69 spermatheca empty and male unknown The internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal RNA ITS rRNA gene D2D3 region of 28S ribosomal RNA 28S rRNA gene partial 18S ribosomal RNA 18S rRNA gene of the new species were amplified and sequenced The 50 majority rule consensus trees inferred from ITS rRNA 28S rRNA partial 18S rRNA gene sequences of H guangzhouensis n sp and some other species in the suborder Criconematina are also presented in this study PCRITSRFLP diagnostic profile generated by six restriction enzymes for H guangzhouensis n sp is givenProfessor Yongsan Zeng is thanked for providing literature on the species H luci This work was supported by a Special Project of Scientific and Technological Basis of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China to Hui Xie Grant number 2006FY120100