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Measurements and Correlations of Emphasis Type="B

Authors: Laura Fedele J Steven Brown Giovanni Di Nicola Sergio Bobbo Mauro Scattolini
Publish Date: 2014/09/28
Volume: 35, Issue: 8, Pages: 1415-1434
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22 182 compressed liquid density data and 98 vaporphase PvT data for cis1333tetrafluoroprop1ene R1234zeZ are presented The compressed liquid density data are for nine isotherms evenly spaced approximately from 283 K to 363 K for pressures from close to saturation to 35 MPa and the vaporphase PvT data are for seven isochores for temperatures approximately from 303 K to 375 K for pressures approximately from 82 kPa to 436 kPa In addition a saturated liquid density correlation a Tait correlation for the compressed liquid density data and a Martin–Hou equation of state for the vaporphase PvT data are presented



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Other Papers In This Journal:

  1. Path-Integral Calculation of Cross Second Virial Coefficients for Hydrogen Isotopologues
  2. Comments on “The Apparent Thermal Conductivity of Liquids Containing Solid Particles of Nanometer Dimensions: A Critique” (Int. J. Thermophys. 36, 1367 (2015))
  3. Study on Reducing the Size-of-Source Effect of Pyrometers
  4. Radiative Properties of Gold Surfaces with One-Dimensional Microscale Gaussian Random Roughness
  5. Measurements of the Liquid Viscosities of Mixtures of n -Butane, n -Hexane, and n -Octane with Squalane to 30 MPa
  6. Development and Applications of Continuous-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
  7. Correlation and Prediction of Dense Fluid Transport Coefficients. IX. Ionic Liquids
  8. Viscosity of nonelectrolyte liquid mixtures. III Binary mixtures of methyl methacrylate with hydrocarbons, haloalkanes, and alkylamines
  9. Thermal Radiation Phenomena of Surfaces of Chromium and Palladium in a High-Temperature Environment
  10. Comsol Simulations as a Tool in Validating a Measurement Chamber
  11. A Differential Temperature-Dependent Dielectric Relaxation Study of Organoclay Cloisite$$^{\mathrm{}}$$
  12. A Study of Some Thermophysical Parameters in Glassy $$\mathrm{{Se}}_{80}\mathrm{{Te}}_{20}$$ and $$\mathrm{{Se}}_{80}\mathrm{{Te}}_{10}\mathrm{{M}}_{10}$$Se80Te10M10 (Cd, In, and Sb) Alloys
  13. Spectral Emissivity of Surface Blackbody Calibrators
  14. Thermophysical Properties of Low-Density Pure Alkanes and Their Binary Mixtures Calculated by Means of an ( n -6) Lennard-Jones Temperature-Dependent Potential
  15. Experimental Study on the Effective Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity of Nanofluids
  16. A Study of the Flow through Capillary Tubes Tuned for a Cooling Circuit with Saturated Fluorocarbon Refrigerants
  17. A Study of the Metal Carbide-Carbon Peritectic Phase Transition for the Cr-C System
  18. Thermal Changes of Maize Seed by Laser Irradiation
  19. Three-Dimensional Visualization of Subsurface Defect Using Lock-In Thermography
  20. Absorption and Scattering Behavior of Nanofluids in the Visible Range
  21. Thermal Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes by Photothermal Techniques
  22. Modulated IR Radiometry Applied to Study $$\text{ TiO}_{2}$$ Coatings with Gold Nanocluster Inclusions
  23. A Noise Thermometer for Practical Thermometry at Low Temperatures
  24. Measurements of Heat Capacity of Pure Titanium and Zirconium by Electromagnetic Levitation
  25. Conductometric Study of Some Metal Halides in Glycerol + Water Mixtures
  26. Depth Profiling of Electronic Transport Properties in $$\mathrm{H}^{+}$$-Implanted n-Type Silicon
  27. Development of a Multiband near-to-far Infrared Radiance COmparator (MIRCO)
  28. Development of High-Temperature Blackbodies and Furnaces for Radiation Thermometry
  29. Diffusion of Methylene Blue in Phantoms of Agar Using a Photoacoustic Technique
  30. Thermal Diffusivity and Thermal Conductivity of Five Different Steel Alloys in the Solid and Liquid Phases
  31. Trilobal Polyimide Fiber Insulation for Cryogenic Applications
  32. Tight-Binding Investigation of Thermal Conductivity of Graphene and Few-Layer Graphene Systems
  33. Interrelation of Entropic Contributors to $$\pi $$-Stacking in Solution
  34. Defect Characterization from Lock-in Vibrothermography Data
  35. Dry Block Calibrator with Improved Temperature Field and Integrated Fixed-Point Cells
  36. Progress in INRiM Experiment for the Determination of the Boltzmann Constant with a Quasi-spherical Resonator
  37. The Experimental Study of Temperature Dependence of Binary Diffusion Coefficients of Gases at Different Pressures
  38. Polymer Microstructures: Modification and Characterization by Fluid Sorption
  39. Photopyroelectric Calorimetry of $$\hbox {Fe}_{3}\hbox {O}_{4}$$ Magnetic Nanofluids: Effect of Type of Surfactant and Magnetic Field

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