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Emphasis Type="Italic"Ly49/Emphasis genes in n

Authors: Liane Gagnier Brian T Wilhelm Dixie L Mager
Publish Date: 2003/04/24
Volume: 55, Issue: 2, Pages: 109-115
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The Ly49 family of natural killer NK receptors is encoded by a highly polymorphic multigene family in the mouse and is also present in multiple copies in the rat However this gene exists as a single copy in primates and is mutated to nonfunction in humans We recently showed that the cow also likely has only one Ly49 gene but it is unclear what the Ly49 gene content is for other mammals We have now isolated Ly49 cDNAs from the domestic cat dog and pig and show that the corresponding gene appears to be single copy in these three species The open reading frame is intact in all the genes and the putative proteins contain an immune tyrosinebased inhibition motif ITIM suggesting a role as an inhibitory receptor In contrast to the other mammals several Ly49like genes appear to exist in the horse indicating that amplification of this locus has occurred in a nonrodent lineage Finally phylogenetic analysis suggests that the rodent Ly49 genes have evolved more rapidly than their counterparts in mammals where the gene has remained as a single copyWe thank Kristen Harden Karina McQueen and Corinna Baust for technical assistance Paula Henthorn University of Pennsylvania for the dog samples Kris Gillespie Jack Bell Research Centre Vancouver BC for providing the pig blood and Shirley Ellis Institute for Animal Health Compton UK for the horse DNA We are also grateful to Kibble McCutcheon Vancouver and Terri Schiller Animal Critical Care Group Vancouver for donating the cat spleen sample Fumio Takei BC Cancer Research Centre Vancouver for helpful comments and Christine Kelly for assistance with manuscript preparation This work was supported by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to DM with core support provided by the British Columbia Cancer Agency BTW is supported by a studentship from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research This paper is dedicated to Kibble McCutcheon



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