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Nucleotide sequencing analysis of the swine 433kb

Authors: Atsuko Shigenari Asako Ando Christine Renard Patrick Chardon Takashi Shiina Jerzy K Kulski Hiroshi Yasue Hidetoshi Inoko
Publish Date: 2003/12/12
Volume: 55, Issue: 10, Pages: 695-705
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Genome analysis of the swine leukocyte antigen SLA region is needed to obtain information on the MHC genomic sequence similarities and differences between the swine and human given the possible use of swine organs for xenotransplantation Here the genomic sequences of a 433kb segment located between the nonclassical and classical SLA class I gene clusters were determined and analyzed for gene organization and contents of repetitive sequences The genomic organization and diversity of this swine nonclass I gene region was compared with the orthologous region of the human leukocyte antigen HLA complex The length of the fully sequenced SLA genomic segment was 433 kb compared with 595 kb in the corresponding HLA class I region This 162kb difference in size between the swine and human genomic segments can be explained by indel activity and the greater variety and density of repetitive sequences within the human MHC Twentyone swine genes with strong sequence similarity to the corresponding human genes were identified with the gene order from the centromere to telomere of HCR SPR1 SEEK1 CDSN STG DPCR1 KIAA1885 TFIIH DDR IER3 FLOT1 TUBB KIAA0170 NRM KIAA1949 DDX16 FLJ13158 MRPS18B FB19 ABCFI CAT56 The human SEEK1 and DPCR1 genes are pseudogenes in swine We conclude that the swine nonclass I gene region that we have sequenced is highly conserved and therefore homologous to the corresponding region located between the HLAC and HLAE genes in the humanWe would like to thank Dr Yasunari Matsuzaka Akihiro Denda and Gen Tamiya for helpful information regarding the human novel genes surrounding the CDSN gene We also wish to thank Dr Tetsushi Yamagata and Tatsuya Anzai for useful discussion This study was supported by grants from the Ministry of Education Sports Science Culture and Technology Japan and the Animal Genome Research Project of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries of Japan



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