Authors: S Y Kim K S Hu I H Chung E W Lee H J Kim
Publish Date: 2003/10/28
Volume: 26, Issue: 2, Pages: 128-135
We made a thorough observation of the morphology and course of the lingual nerve LN and inferior alveolar nerve IAN to clarify their topographical relationships in the infratemporal fossa and in the paralingual area Thirtytwo Korean hemisectioned heads were dissected macroscopically and microscopically from a clinical viewpoint On the 32 tracings on the radiograph the average distance between the retromolar portion and the LN was 78 mm and no case was found where the LN ran above the alveolar crest as passing along the mandibular lingual plate The bifurcation of the LN and IAN was located around the mandibular notch inferior to the otic ganglion in 66 of the cases and a plexiform branching pattern of the mandibular nerve was observed in only two cases The bifurcation spot of the LN and IAN was located 143 mm inferior to the foramen ovale and 165 mm superior to the tip of hamulus Collateral nerve twigs from the LN to the retromolar area were observed in 26 cases 812 with an average of one nerve twig We observed four types of variations in terms of communication pattern In four specimens the mylohyoid nerve passed through the mylohyoid muscle and connected with the LN In other four specimens the IAN communicated with the auriculotemporal nerve We also observed another type of variational communication between the IAN and the nerve to the lateral pterygoid LPt this was observed in only one specimen and it could be predicted that motor innervation from the nerve to the LPt was transmitted via the mental nerve to the depressor anguli oris Another type was observed where the IAN divided into two branches with the posterior branch being partially entrapped by the LPt muscle fibersThis study was supported by a grant of the Korea Health 21 R D Project Ministry of Health Welfare Republic of Korea 02PJ1PG1CH070001 We also would like to express our thanks to Ms Seung Hye Kim a student at Dental College of Yonsei University for reviewing this article