Authors: Olivier Hamel Pierre Corre Stéphane Ploteau Olivier Armstrong JeanMichel Rogez Roger Robert Antoine Hamel
Publish Date: 2012/10/18
Volume: 34, Issue: 10, Pages: 897-902
Ciliary ganglion is a previsceral vegetative ganglion relay of ocular bulb vegetative pathways concerning three types of fibers parasympathetic sympathetic and somatosensory The objective of this study was to describe the different patterns of distribution of those fibers around the ciliary ganglion to explain rare posttraumatic or postoperative ocular symptomsConcerning afferents or roots three dispositions have to be described all of them were identified 55 parasympathetic root was absent and ciliary ganglion was attached directly to the inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve 25 sympathetic root was absent 20 Somatosensory root coming from nasociliary nerve was constant Efferents short ciliary nerves including these three types of fibers were variable in number but always constituted two bundlesThe absence of identifiable parasympathetic root resulting in a close relationship between ciliary ganglion and the inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve could be a possible explanation of postganglionic mydriasis following blowout orbital floor fracture or surgical repair of this type of fracture The absence of sympathetic root is due to a forward retroorbital connection between internal carotid plexus and ophthalmic nerve within cavernous sinus corresponding to gray rami communicans