Authors: ShuHsien Li Eamor M Woo
Publish Date: 2007/09/12
Volume: 286, Issue: 3, Pages: 253-
Blend systems comprising polymethyl methacrylate PMMA and polyesters are classified as immiscible however this study has discovered that uppercritical solution temperature UCST behavior with partial miscibility is the more exact description for PMMA/polyester blend systems Blends of PMMA with a series of polyesters with structures varying in a range were characterized in terms of phase behavior and dependence of the phase behavior on composition temperature and constituent’s structure and molecular weight All PMMA/polyester blends are immiscible or only partially miscible in PMMArich compositions at room temperature however the blends can go through a phase change to miscibility at elevated temperatures As the polyesters’ structures are varied systematically with CH2/CO ratio from small to large PMMA/polyester blends exhibit a trendy change in UCST phase behavior from complete immiscibility to complete immiscibility in entire composition range with UCST then to partial miscibility miscible in blends with PMMA contents greater than 70 wt with UCST then finally back to complete immiscibility with no UCST That is no miscibility was found for blends of PMMA with all polyesters however UCST behavior normally a rare occurrence in polymer blends was found to be common in many of the PMMA/polyester blends investigated