Authors: D J Cebula D Y Myers R H Ottewill
Publish Date: 2016/05/21
Volume: 260, Issue: 1, Pages: 96-107
The microemulsions formed in the 4component system waterpotassium oleatehexanoldodecane have been investigated by timeaverage light scattering and small angle neutron scattering A constant volume fraction ratio water potassium oleate of 144 was used and at this constant composition which gave a pseudo 3component system a wide region of the microemulsion domain was examined In order to interpret the scattering data at finite volume fractions of the dispersed phase water allowance had to be made for interactions between the waterinoil microemulsion droplets This was carried out using a hard sphere model for the interaction It is shown that using this model selfconsistent results are obtained by light scattering and neutron scattering and an estimate can be made of the size of the particles in concentrated colloidal dispersions