Authors: Tsuneo Okubo Junichi Okamoto Akira Tsuchida
Publish Date: 2008/04/25
Volume: 286, Issue: 10, Pages: 1123-1133
Direct observation of the convectional dissipative patterns was successful during the course of dryness of colloidal crystals of poly methyl methacrylate spheres on a cover glass Formation processes of the convectional patterns of spokelike lines were observed as a function of sphere size and also sphere concentration During dryness of the suspensions the brilliant iridescent colors changed beautifully Macro and microscopic drying patterns and thickness profiles of the dried film were observed Sharp broad rings were observed especially at low sphere concentrations The water evaporation accompanied with the convectional flow of water and the colloidal spheres played an important role for these dissipative structure formationFinancial support from the Ministry of Education Culture Sports Science and Technology Japan and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science are greatly acknowledged for GrantsinAid for Exploratory Research 17655046 and Scientific Research B 18350057 and 193501100001 The silica sphere sample CS82 was a gift from Catalyst Chemical Ind Co Tokyo to whom the authors appreciate very much