Authors: O S Sowande B F Oyewale O S Iyasere
Publish Date: 2009/12/09
Volume: 42, Issue: 5, Pages: 969-975
The relationships between live weight and eight body measurements of West African Dwarf WAD goats were studied using 211 animals under farm condition The animals were categorized based on age and sex Data obtained on height at withers HW heart girth HG body length BL head length HL and length of hindquarter LHQ were fitted into simple linear allometric and multipleregression models to predict live weight from the body measurements according to age group and sex Results showed that live weight HG BL LHQ HL and HW increased with the age of the animals In multipleregression model HG and HL best fit the model for goat kids HG HW and HL for goat aged 13–24 months while HG LHQ HW and HL best fit the model for goats aged 25–36 months Coefficients of determination R 2 values for linear and allometric models for predicting the live weight of WAD goat increased with age in all the body measurements with HG being the most satisfactory single measurement in predicting the live weight of WAD goat Sex had significant influence on the model with R 2 values consistently higher in females except the models for LHQ and HW