Authors: Jacob Gusha Clive Rolex Manyuchi Venancio Edward ImbayarwoChikosi Vimbayi Rangaridzo Hamandishe Simbarashe Katsande Plaxedis Ivy Zvinorova
Publish Date: 2013/09/28
Volume: 46, Issue: 1, Pages: 229-234
The effects of supplementing crossbred cows with nonconventional protein sources on dry matter intake milk yield parameters and economic returns were investigated Twentyfive lactating F1 HolsteinMashona crossbreds averaging 115 ± 24 days in milk were used Five treatments total mixed ration TMR ureatreated maize stover untreated maize stover Macroptilium atropurpureum Siratro hay and veld hay were randomly assigned to cows and replicated five times in a completely randomised design Nutrient composition intake milk yield and economic returns were determined M atropurpureum hay ureatreated maize stover and TMR had equal crude protein content Daily dry matter intake and yield differed significantly among the treatment diets P 005 Cows on TMR ureatreated maize stover and M atropurpureum consumed more P 005 than cows on untreated maize stover and veld hay Supplementing with TMR ureatreated maize stover and M atropurpureum hay increased P 005 milk yields Mean daily milk yield was highest for cows supplemented with ureatreated maize stover Percent fat protein and total solids in milk from cows fed ureatreated stover compared favourably to that of milk for cows supplemented with TMR Income over supplement cost was highest for cows supplemented with M atropurpureum hay and ureatreated maize stover Ureatreated maize stover and M atropurpureum can therefore be used as a replacer protein supplements for dairy cattle in Zimbabwe